Dog Training El Paso Texas

Professional Dog Training Solutions
Call: (915) 873-1593

Professional Dog Trainer

Dog obedience training is the process of teaching a dog to respond to commands. Dogs are typically trained with reward-based methods, such as treats or praise. My obedience program includes the seven basic commands: sit, down, place, come, stay, heel, and leave it.

Pet to Service Dog Training

Most service dog organizations charge $20,000 or more for service dogs and there is often a waiting list of two years. Under ADA regulations, a disabled person has the right to train their own service dog. K9 Basix can assist you in training your pet dog to be your service dog by performing a task to mitigate a disability. We specialize in mobility tasks, such as picking up objects, providing balance support, and psychiatric tasks for PTSD, depression, and anxiety. 

Professional Dog Trainer


golden retriever dog

Scent Detection Training 

Dog scent detection training, also known as scent work or nose work training, is not only a fun exercise to bond with your furry friend but also serves a practical purpose. This specialized training allows dogs to use their incredible sense of smell to find specific objects or even people. Humans have about 300,000 scent receptors in their nose, while dogs have 3 million scent receptors.

Engaging in scent detection training with your dog provides numerous benefits. Firstly, it strengthens the bond between you and your canine companion. Through this interactive activity, you establish trust and cooperation, creating a deeper connection between you and your dog.

Additionally, scent detection training taps into a dog’s natural instincts and abilities. Dogs have an exceptional sense of smell, far superior to that of humans. By harnessing this innate talent, they can be trained to locate various objects or even individuals based on their unique scent profiles.

The applications of dog scent detection are vast and diverse. In search and rescue operations, these highly trained dogs play a crucial role in locating missing persons or survivors in disaster-stricken areas. They are also employed in law enforcement agencies for tracking down illegal substances or detecting hidden contraband.

scent detection training

Effective Dog Training

Call or Text (915) 873-1593


See what my clients have to say.

The Importance of Training Your Dog

Dog obedience training is important because it teaches your dog to behave in a way that is safe and appropriate. It also helps you to create a bond with your pet by giving them the attention they need. It improves the quality of life for both you and your dog, and can make living with a dog much more enjoyable.

Obedience training is a great way to ensure that your dog is happy and healthy. Dogs are social animals and need to interact with people and other dogs on a regular basis. Training your dog will also help you have better control over them, so they don’t run away, jump on guests, or bark excessively. It will also make it easier to take your dog to public places without worrying about their behavior.

It can be difficult to train a dog without the right knowledge and techniques. Monique at K9 Basix has the knowledge, skills, and experience to train your dog so that dog ownership will be much more enjoyable for you and your dog. You will also see a better bonding experience with your dog.

Call or text K9 Basix today at (915) 873-1593.

Enroll in a Customized Dog Training Plan

A customized training program is a personalized and tailored plan that is designed to meet your goals and the dog’s needs and requirements. It allows you to choose the specific training that you want for your dog.

Dog training fees are charged per command, not the time it takes to train the dog. A reasonable amount of time to train the dog is defined as three sessions of one hour each.

It is suggested that the owner read the Dog Behavior Guide, as this will affect the overall behavior of your dog and will help foster mutual respect between you and your dog.
For more information call or text (915) 873-1593

woman and border collie

Frequently Asked Questions

Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Heel, Place, and Leave It.

No, but 3 months to one year is the best time to get started.

Yes. Behavior problems and housebreaking issues are the primary reason dogs are surrendered to rescue organizations or re-homed. By investing in the training of your dog, you are ensuring a long and lasting relationship with the furry member of your family.

Sessions are scheduled for one hour.  However, dogs, especially puppies, let you know when they’ve had enough.  They will become distracted or uncooperative. When this happens, the session will be cut short to avoid frustrating the dog.

As early as eight weeks.

All dogs are loyal. It is what makes them “man’s best friend”.

When your dog is barking, say “Quiet” in a calm, firm voice. Wait until they stop barking, even if it's just to take a breath, then praise them and give them a treat. ... Practice these commands when they are calm, and in time they should learn to stop barking at your command, even when they want to bark at something. For persistent barking that does not respond to positive reinforcement, you may want to try a training device such as a bark collar that beeps and/or vibrates automatically when the dog barks.

No. If you allow your dog to sleep with you, you are telling him that he is equal to you, and he may not respect you as a leader. If your dog has any behavior problems, allowing him to sleep with you will only aggravate the problem by creating a possessive relationship. Never allow a dog to sleep with a child. Dogs see children as possessions and sleeping with the dog will negatively reinforce this behavior.

There is no single right way to train a dog, but there are many wrong ways to train a dog. Balanced dog training that includes all four quadrants of operant conditioning is best:

Something is added aiming to increase a behavior = positive reinforcement.

Something is added aiming to decrease a behavior = positive punishment.

Something is removed aiming to increase a behavior = negative reinforcement.

Something is removed aiming to decrease a behavior = negative punishment.

Not all dogs respond to the same training techniques, therefore the trainer should be skilled in a variety of methods to increase the odds of successfully training a desired behavior or mitigating an unwanted behavior.

A therapy dog is an extremely well-behaved dog that is taken to visit places such as hospitals, schools, senior citizen centers, etc.  They provide brief loving companionship to people who will benefit from petting and interacting with the dog.
An emotional support dog is a dog that provides comfort to a handler, just by being with them. The dog’s mere presence produces feelings of calm, companionship, and helps relieve loneliness. An emotional support has most of the same public access rights, but it is up to the business whether they are welcomed or not. Emotional support animals, including dogs, are no longer allowed to fly on airplanes.
A service dog is a dog that is trained to perform a specific task for a specific handler that mitigates a disability. Service dogs have the most public access rights and cannot be denied entry to stores, restaurants, hotels, rental cars, and airplanes, etc.

There is no such thing as certification, registration, or license for a service dog. The only certificate your dog is required to have is for a Rabies vaccination. There are a lot of bogus organizations on the internet claiming to certify, register, or license your dog as a service dog for a fee. They are all scams. 

No. Under the ADA you have the right to train your own service dog. K9 Basix can help you train your dog to perform tasks that will mitigate your disability. 

You should feed your dog two or three times per day. In the wild, food is not always immediately available, so you should not “free feed” your dog by leaving food out all day for them to graze. They should look to you as their pack leader to provide them with each of their meals. Dogs should have access to fresh water 24 hours a day.

Dogs have a limited vocabulary, but they understand more words than you might think. Most dogs can learn about 90 words and phrases. Dogs are able to recognize different words or phrases in the form of commands, such as sit, stay, and come, with consistent training. Dogs can also associate different sounds with an activity. For example, the word “ball” or “toy” means that it is play time. They can also distinguish the difference between an angry, frustrated tone and a happy tone.

Some people think that using a harness is better than a collar because they are afraid of choking their dog. However, a harness places the restraint on the strongest part of the dog’s body: their chest and shoulders. Think of a horse pulling a cart. You have little to no control of your dog on a harness. A collar utilizes the pressure points in the dog’s neck that moderates their behavior. If your dog is pulling and making gasping sounds, contact K9 Basix to train your dog to walk properly at Heel.

Yes. Aggression in dogs is a serious behavior that should be dealt with the help of a professional dog trainer. K9 Basix does not handle aggression cases but can refer you to a local trainer that specializes in the field.

closeup dog face
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